
In conclusion, fashion had played in important role in the lives of the people. The pre war colonial days had pretty less information about the type of fashion in singapore and also because fashion did not show a distinct trend. This was because men dominated the immigrant society at that time and due to the hard life, fashion was abandoned. In the late prewar period and the post war periods, richer straits chinese pursue fashion to differentiate themself from the other classes of people. While at the same time, women stepping out of their home making roles pursue fashion to show their status in the now industrialising economy. During the revolutional change of the 1960s and 70s, traditional fashion were influenced by westernisation. This showed women having greater rights and transformed the somewhat conservative population to accept the changing roles of women. And it was the anti yellow culture promoted by the government in  the 1960s and 70s, that led to the development the "hybrid" fashion as western fashion that expressed freedom like the "hippies", rock and roll and punk fashions were being denied acceptance.

In 1980s, a more industialised and more afffluent Singapore saw the decline of the garment and textile industry. Mass production of apparels had taken over the traditional tailoring and shopping centres began to mushroomed around Singapore. It was the start to the shopping culture of Singapore.

In the 1990s, greater technological advancement brought in influence of the foreign media on fashion and the people began to become more fashion conscious. Rather the people got more brand conscious as well. National pride was pursued by our local designers as a number of them had their designs filled with national emblems and brought them to the international stage. Afterwhich, fashion became an important element in the tourism industry.This led to the development of the various fashion festivals and the government developed Singapore into a fashion hub crawling with top international brands as well as local brands.

Therefore, we could see that fashion as a popular culture enables us to see the development of the Singapore society especially during the period after Singapore gained independence.